Eco-Pet Care

With over half of the UK owning a pet, there is definite impact on the environment with most of it coming from the meat they consume – owning a medium sized dog can have the same lifetime carbon footprint as an SUV!
Herbivores such as rabbits and hamsters have a much lower impact on the environment but there are still plenty of things we can do to reduce this while keeping our pets happiness and health at the centre of our decisions.
Want to calculate your carbon footprint and start offsetting your environmental impacts? Download the Earth Rewards app to start healing the planet and preventing deforestation!
We’d like to take the time to share some top tips on sustainable pet ownership from some of our favourite #instapets.
Sustainable Dog Care:
Top hacks on reducing her carbon pawprint from @Goldenretriever_molly!

1. Walking locally rather than driving somewhere first.
2. Make your own pet treats! You know exactly what goes into it, it’s healthier and cheaper as well. I buy chicken livers, chop them roughly, put them into a baking tin lined with grease proof paper and cook them in the oven for 45mins – 1hr at 180 until they are well dried out. They keep in the fridge for 2 weeks. Or if your dog is vegan you can do the same with slices of apple but bake in a low oven (160) for 6hrs until dried out. Then just keep in an airtight container for 2-4 weeks.
3. Use baby shampoo – Free from dyes, parabens, etc, so no excess chemicals going down the drain. Plus it’s gentle on their skin and cheap too.
Here’s three tips from @Raphadoodles on his sustainable routine!

1.My poop bags are eco friendly (beco bags) so they easily decompose – even the packaging is a recycled cardboard material.
2. My favourite brand is Recopup as I like to dress up for my instagram followers! They’re made with recycled and repurposed materials!
3. I usually eat human food (where possible), banana and blueberries are my favourite snacks but mum usually makes natural alternatives to avoid processed packaged food!
Sustainable Cat Care:
We’ve even got some tips from Alice @theecodiary on how she cares for Mr Boo sustainably!

1. Avoiding red meat based food (it has the highest carbon footprint).
2. Using recyclable tins instead of sachet packets of food.
3. Using an eco-friendly litter from Applaws, made from sustainable corn with no added chemicals
The new resident of @Casa.del.bradders interiors is also living a purrfectly low-carbon lifestyle.

1. She is adopted! Rather than funding breeders and pet overpopulation, we adopted her from the RSPCA, as she is terminally ill we wanted to ensure she wasn’t put down and enjoyed her final days comfortably.
2. We have a collar with a bell on to scare away any potential fatalities when she’s roaming outside as cats are notorious hunters!
3. We use a woodchip litter as it’s biodegradable and we can compost it after use!
Sustainable Rodent Care:
Kristen Levine, the owner of the Pet Living blog uses carefresh® small animal bedding. The bedding is made by Healthy Pet, which was founded over 30 years ago on the idea of repurposing sustainable materials. So they’ve been green long before green was a thing!
You can compost their hay and straw and feed them your left over veggies too.
If you have any more tips, ideas or questions then get in touch!
For more lifehacks and to earn Earth Rewards to offset your pets carbon pawprint download the Earth Rewards App today!
All the best, ER Team.