Grow Your Own

The easiest way to avoid single use plastic on your veggies and the Tesco queue?
Grow your own!
Gardening has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, anxiety and depression while boosting self esteem!*
During times of heightened uncertainty and additional time at home, gardening is a great way for you to reduce your dietary carbon footprint whilst improving your wellbeing.
DIY stores are still open where you can buy soil, fertiliser and seeds. Here’s how to start your own vegetable garden.
Preparing the soil:
1. Dig up the area you want to plant on, removing any rocks and lumps, if you’re using planters then skip to the next step.
2. You need to add compost which is full of nutrients to the top and mix it all in.
3. Adding fertiliser will give it a nutrient boost as well!
The easiest vegetables to grow are:
Harvest time: under 8 weeks.
Best time to plant: early spring.
How to care: lettuce grows best in part shade, sprinkle seeds across the soil and keep soil evenly moist.
When to harvest: lettuce is best when the leaves are young and tender, the leaves can be picked from when the seedling has more than 3 leaves but it’s best to wait until they get a bit bushier.
Harvest time: 11 weeks.
Best time to plant: early spring to late August.
How to care: dig the soil twice as deep as you would’ve previously or use a raised bed by adding more compost. Don’t et young seedlings dry out but over-watering will cause the roots to split.
When to harvest: Hand pull after watering to loosen the soil and the top of the carrot is over 1/2 in in diameter.
Harvest time: as early as 3 weeks!
Best time to plant: spring or autumn
How to care: grow in full sun but try avoid growing in the heat of summer, consistent, even moisture is key.
When to harvest: when roots are approx 1 inch in diameter at the soil surface.
TOP TIP: dig uneaten food waste directly into the soil for fertiliser! It will attract worms that move the nutrients round the vegetable beds.
Want more ideas on reducing your carbon footprint? Download the app to view our Lifehacks here.
Any more suggestions or queries? Get in touch here!
*Source: Mental Health Review Journal, 2013
One Response
[…] If you have a garden and want to expand your vegetable growing further then check out our blog on easy growing outdoor veg here. […]
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